June 15, 2021 Chihuahua, Chih.
The case of the indigenous community of Choréachi will be discussed tomorrow in the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, where it is expected that the resolution of the Superior Agrarian Tribunal (TSA) recognizing the possession of the community of Choréachi over an area of 32,500 hectares will be ratified.
Choréachi is a Rarámuri community located in the Sierra Tarahumara, committed to the care and defense of its territory and natural resources. After 10 years of litigation, on August 30, 2018, the TSA ordered, under the terms of the provisions of the Agrarian Law, the recognition of the communal property of the indigenous community of Choréachi.
On the other hand, said resolution points out the obligation towards the indigenous community of Choréachi for each and every one of the Rarámuri indigenous possessors that are settled within the aforementioned area to be recognized as communal owners.
On June 16 of this year, in a plenary session of the Second Chamber of the SCJN, the resolution issued by the Superior Agrarian Court will be discussed, which will hopefully be ratified, thereby providing justice not only to the community of Choréachi, but to all of the Rarámuri possessors, thus guaranteeing their rights as indigenous peoples.
The community in defense of its territory has suffered various consequences, including the murder of some of its main leaders, the reason why they went, first before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and since 2017, before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, an instance that has issued two resolutions ordering the Mexican State to implement the necessary measures to guarantee the life and integrity of the entire indigenous community of Choréachi. On Friday 11, a public hearing was held to monitor compliance regarding the resolutions issued by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.