“We are not weird, we are outraged”.
Chihuahua, Chih., March 22, 2022
Madam Governor:
Every single person who has signed this letter has a disappeared person in their family. Some of us were part of the committee that undertook last weekend’s journey called “Walking Until We Find Them”, which we decided to organize because our request to meet with the authorities has been ignored.
We are deeply outraged by your statements that “the marches for disappeared individuals were weird.” So we seem weird to you…? The mothers, the wives, the daughters, the fathers, the sons, siblings who walked for four days, with the pictures of our loved ones pinned to our chests, under the sun, braving wind and dust, on the hot asphalt of road, our hearts and throats being shredded in our legitimate cry for justice.
We are not weird, Madam. We are outraged by the indifference, impunity and injustice; this is how we love our own: without limits, without giving up the hope of finding them again, and with the absolute clarity, that the search and investigation is a responsibility of the State, that your government is not fulfilling.
We remind you that you swore to uphold the Constitution, so you are required to guarantee human rights for all.
Madam, we have no price, nor do we respond to political interests and for you to suggest so is a real insult. We demand a governor who guarantees rights and doesn’t disqualify the victims she is failing to serve.
The pain of uncertainty, the frustration of injustice and the helplessness of the refusal by the authorities to meet with us, deserves a response that focuses on that and not one that reduces everything to one of the people present.
Don’t think it “weird” if we take to the streets again if we continue to be ignored, because before and after you (although you think it’s all about you) we have demanded and will demand that the disappeared be found alive and that the guilty be punished… and what would be weird would be doing otherwise.
Signe by:
Adán Hernández Macías
Adrián Alvarado Reyes
Adrián Valenzuela Ríos
Ana Isabel Ramírez Cañez
Ana Janeth Rodríguez López
Ana Judith Valenzuela Ríos
Ana Lilia Fuentes
Ángel Ernesto García Bustillos
Antonia García Ruíz
Antonia Molina Loya
Aracely Santana Peinado
Arcelia Cerros Ochoa
Arely García Meza
Bárbara Suarez
Bárbara Suarez Ortiz
Bertha Alicia Meza Negrete
Bertha Isabel Ramírez Lazos
Blanca Lilia García Reza
Blanca Márquez Parra
Brenda González Mendoza
Brenda Karina Jiménez Macedo
Carla Rubí Perales Carrera
Carolina Espinoza Romero
Cecilio Delgado Calderón
Cecilio Nunes Ramos
Celia Parra Camacho
César Trevizo Corrales
Claudia Azucena Salas Torres
Claudia Corral Yáñez
Claudia Estela Ortiz Ponce
Claudia Marchand Ochoa
Claudia Soto Ortiz
Consuelo Elvira Prado Díaz
Damaris Abigail Ramírez González
Dana Yisel Hernández Alarcón
Daniel Antonio Barrios García
Dariel Delgado Cruz
Deisy Alvarado Espinoza
Diana Eréndira García Valois
Edna Patricia Vázquez Sáenz
Edwin Jáuregui Pérez
Elizabeth Castro Castillo
Elsa Ruiz Ordóñez
Enemecio García Ruíz
Ernesto García Ruíz
Ernesto García Sáenz
Esmeralda García Bustillos
Esperanza Galindo
Eudor Jáuregui Espinosa
Fabiola Renova Flores
Fátima Areli Mendias Pineda Estrella
Felipe Galindo
Félix García García
Flora Mendoza Andazola
Francisca López Carbajal
Gabriela Barrios García
Gloria Alicia Ramírez González
Gonzala Molina Loya
Griselda Idalibbi Piña Anchondo
Guadalupe de Santiago Camacho
Guadalupe Hernández Domínguez
Guadalupe Mendias Pineda
Guillermina Aguilar Andazola
Guillermo Ortiz
Gustavo Chávez Aguilar
Héctor Estrada Jaime
Hortensia Gutiérrez Vázquez
Idalia Gutiérrez Dozal
Irene Raquel Guzmán González
Irma Aguilar Márquez
Irma Georgina Aguilar Bailón
Isabel ríos Ortiz
Jairo Amílcar Osorio Baca
Jesucita Pérez Chávez
Jesús Chávez de los Ángeles
Jesús David Chávez Aguilar
Jesús José García Ruíz
Jesús Rene Ramírez González
Jesús Rene Ramírez González
Jiapsi Jáuregui Pérez
Joanna Alvarado Espinoza
Jorge Albino Cruz González
José Ángel Alvarado Fabela
José Tomas García Chávez
Josefa Villalba Camacho
Josefina Ramírez
Juan Carlos Mendoza Estrada
Juan Rivera Haro
Karely Lugo Salas
Karely Pérez Gutiérrez
Karla Ivonne Estrada Meza
Karla Venzor Sánchez
Laura Elena Ayala Ocaña
Laura Elena Ayala Ocaña
Leslye Janeth López Piña
Leticia Corral Bustillos
Leticia Sánchez Villalobos
Lilia Fragoso
Lourdes Hernández Alarcón
Lucia Hernández Alarcón
Lucia Itzel López Hernández
Luis Carlos Delgado
Luis Enrique Chánez Rodríguez
Luisa Adriana Quezada Arana
Luz María Barraza Reyes
Manuela Bencomo Ortiz
María de Jesús Alvarado Espinoza
María de la Luz González Banda
María del Carmen López Meza
María Gardea Gutiérrez
María Olaya Dozal Rocha
María Trevizo Aguilar
Mariana Estrada Cereceda
Maribel Muñoz Veleta
Marina Barraza Viga
Martha Arana de Quezada
Martha Isela Márquez Parra
Matilde Cereceda Guillén
Mayra Isabel Núñez
Mayra Margarita Franco Hernández
Mayra Pineda Pérez
Miriam García Espinoza
Mirna Dolores Pérez Gutiérrez
Mitzy Alvarado Espinoza
Monserrat González Miramontes
Naim Delgado
Nancy Barrios García
Natalia Lerma Almanza
Natalia Lerma Almanza
Nereida Molina Rico
Nitza Alvarado Espinoza
Noé García Meza
Nora Blanca Portillo Chaparro
Norma Alicia Villarreal Olivas
Norma Chavira Castillo
Norma Gutiérrez Martínez
Norma Mendoza
Obdulia Espinoza Beltrán
Olivia Rodríguez Brito
Paola Angélica López de la
Patricia Reyes Rueda
Paulo Ruiz Andazola
Perla Isamar Acevedo Flores
Rafael Alvarado Reyes
Ramón Ruiz Andazola
Raúl Humberto Ibarra Ramírez
Rebeca Venzor Sánchez
Rocio Guadalupe Martínez Gómez
Rosa Lina Pérez García
Rosa Olivia Alvarado Herrera
Rosalinda Salas Bustillos
Sandra Luz Rueda Quezada
Santos García Ruíz
Santos Mendoza Lozoya
Santos Rodríguez Payan
Sayra Leticia Hernández Sánchez
Teodocia Domínguez
Teresa Fierro Batista
Tomas García Ruíz
Valeria Fuentes
Valeria Lugo Salas
Vania Odeth Hernández Alarcón
Viana Vianey García Silvas.
Victoria Molina Loya
Victorino García Ruíz
Yafhar Olfert Quezada
Yensi González Mendoza
Yesenia Carrera Aragón
Yesica Isela García Meza
Yolanda Flores Montes
Yolanda Llanas Quiroz
Zuleyda Cruz Ramos