11th March for National Dignity, Mexico, May 10, 2022. Mothers Searching for their Sons and Daughters, Truth and Justice
The great failure of the Mexican State is not finding our disappeared loved ones. How many mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters, brothers and other family members have died while hoping to locate their family member and get to the truth, obtain justice and restitution? Is the Mexican State waiting for us to no longer be here so that no one else will look for the disappeared? What evil plan do they have in their minds that think only about managing our pain, tiring us out, wearing us down and doing nothing to get our disappeared loved ones back?
This May 10, 2022, let it be recorded in history:
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Attorney General Alejandro Gerz Manero
Undersecretary of Human Rights, Population and Migration Alejandro Encinas Rodríguez
National Search Commissioner Karla Quintana Osuna
Martha Yuriria Rodríguez Estrada, Head of the Executive Commission of Victim Services
María del Rosario Piedra Ibarra, head of the National Human Rights Commission
Senators from the various political parties
Representatives from the various political parties
Your main task in your current office is to be caretakers of your people, to protect and guarantee the fundamental rights of people, with life being the most important one of all. However, you have failed us, even after we elected you. You failed us when you allowed those we love most to disappear: our sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, brothers, sisters. Like yesterday and today, you are complicit by allowing disappearances to continue and, above all, by continuing to allow this humanitarian tragedy to engulf the entire country. During our first march we warned you of what was happening in the north of the country and we demanded that you stop this tragedy, and you ignored us. Today there are almost 100,000 disappeared individuals, and the cruelest part of it is that there are over 52,000 unidentified bodies in the SEMEFOS, where there are no conditions to send them home, while it is very likely that they are our disappeared loved ones.
You haven’t fulfilled your mandate. Why would we want public servants who don’t serve? What do we want justice institutions for, if they do not impart justice? If you can’t lead the people, what are you there for? We do not want Prosecutors that are useless, Search Commissions without plans to find people. We are tired, and we need actions that lead to actual results.